Tut: Pen Tool


Drawing With the Pen Tool

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1. Using the Pen Tool, on a layer labeled working place your first point on Point A mark of the template by clicking and releasing your mouse.

2. Place your mouse over Point B of the template, while still on the working layer.  Holding the shift button, click the mouse on Point B to create a straight horizontal line.

3. Place your mouse over Point C of the template, while still on the working layer.  Holding the shift button, click the mouse on Point C to create a straight vertical line.

4. Place your mouse over Point D of the template and click the mouse on Point D to create a diagonal line.

5. Place your mouse over Point E, then click and drag to create a curve that wraps around the contour line of the vase template. Do the same for Point F.

6. Click Point G, then adjust the anchor points for Points F and G to eliminate the unwanted curve.


7. Click Point H of the template to create your last straight horizontal line.

8. Using your Reflect tool, beginning reflecting a copy of your newly created left side of the vase by dragging your mouse to the right of the screen, while holding the Shift and Option keys on the keyboard.

8. Align your two symmetric shapes and then joint both of the top and bottom paths. Use the Direct Selection tool (the white arrow) to direct-select the points that you want to joint, then go to Object > Path > Join to join them.

Rendering the Shape With the Mesh Tool

9. Select the newly created closed path (vase), file it with a solid color from your Swatches palette and remove the stroke.

10.  Using the Mesh tool, place mesh points on the vase that you’ve just colored to make highlight and reflected areas. You can add and change colors by dragging and dropping a color from the Swatches palette onto a mesh point.