Cover and Thank You Letters

The Cover Letter

Write to the correct person. No point in wasting time with the wrong person. Be direct and appreciative in your wording. State who you are, what you want, why you should get it, you’ll call for the appointment, and thanks for any consideration on your behalf. Never ask for a job directly. Why? No one ever has one. Ask for a portfolio review, critique, you want to visit a real studio to observe, you need advice. (Art Directors love to talk about themselves.) The results of this approach: you’ll get in the front door and will be seen. If you ask for a job, you’ll get a big fat NO!

Sample: Cover letter

Always enclose a cover letter when you mail out a resume, Cover letters should be individually typed and signed. Your cover letter should be brief, usually one page, and follow the general guidelines given below. Leave a 1″ margin on all sides, and make top and bottom margins as equal as possible.

Your Street Address

City; State Zip Code

Today’s Date

Contact’s Name

Address your letter to a specific person.

Employers tend to be complimented when you know their names and


titles. Consequently, it is worthwhile to make an effort to find out.

Company Name


City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr. Alexander:

Your opening paragraph should arouse interest on the part of the reader. Tell why you are writing the letter. Give information to show your specific interest in this company. Use this first paragraph to appeal to the interests of the potential employer.

Your middle paragraphs should create desire. Give details of your background that will show the reader why you should be considered as a candidate. Be as specific as possible about the kind of job you want. Don’t make the reader have to guess what you would be interested in.

Refer the reader to your general qualifications on your enclosed resume or other material. Use as much space as needed to tell your story, but keep it brief and to the point. Here is where you can talk about yourself.

In your closing paragraph you ask for action. Ask for an appointment suggesting a time when you will be available. A positive request is harder to ignore than a vague hope.

Sincerely yours,

Sign your name here

Type your name here


Sample: Thank You Letter Format

Your Address

City, State Zip Code

Today’s Date

Name of Interviewer

Title of Interviewer

Name of Company or Organization

Company Street Address or Box Number

City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. (Interviewer’s last name):

In the first paragraph, state when and where you had your interview and thank the interviewer for his or her time.

In the second paragraph, reaffirm your interest in the organization. Mention something that particularly appeals to you about working for them, and reinforce a point or two in support of your application.

If after the interview you thought of something you wish you had said, the third paragraph of the letter is a good place to bring that up. You, can also restate your understanding of the next steps in the hiring process.

Sincerely yours,

Sign your name here.

Type your name here

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