
Letter to the Young Designer

Dear Young Designer:

Searching for your first job might seem to be an arduous task.  When you begin your journey, you will instantly see that competition in the creative field is fierce. Don’t allow this to intimidate you. There is no better time then RIGHT NOW to learn and apply the essentials of self-promotion and marketing to yourself as a creative services provider, just as you would with any other product or service. To begin a career in design and art direction, you will need to show your portfolio and resume to prospective employers and potential clients. You, as Designer, must make contact with the right people: agencies, studios, schools, galleries, TV studios, offices, etc.

Before you embark upon this serious journey, there are several facts and attitudes that you must embrace to succeed.  In this message, we will try to outline basic facts and tips that will point you in the right direction. The key to achieving your goal will be in how quickly you act on these suggestions and all other worthy advice you obtain along the way. You must develop a definite plan that works for you, and then take immediate action. Merely reviewing this or any other information isn’t enough ? you must act immediately! These suggestions will help you to move forward in the direction of your goal.

“The Strangest Secret” Part One – by Earl Nightingale

“The Strangest Secret” Part Two – by Earl Nightingale

The format of this message is direct and presents the bottom line. Keep this as a resource. You’ll be able to refer to the list below from time to time quickly and easily. By the way, this particular combination of attitudes and suggestions works. Many designers have found that these steps lead to success.  With this preface in place, let’s begin.